Arabic COLOR

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Gum arabic with left-handed rotational power Acacia Senegal, micro-filterable, specifically treated and purified, in instantly dissolving micro-granular form.

General characteristics

Appearance: white-yellowish microgranulated powder.

ARABIC COLOR It is a gum arabic obtained from an innovative purification process that allows to maintain the great stabilizing properties of the colloidal state of the raw material, reducing to a minimum the interaction on the filterability characteristics.

ARABIC COLOR may be used in combination with CMC, metatartaric acid and/or potassium polyaspartate to effectively counteract the unstable color loss caused by these adjuvants.

ARABIC COLOR contributes significantly to improving the structure of the treated wine and, depending on the specific characteristics of the individual wine, can increase the softness and roundness of the taste.


· Stabilization of unstable color and colloidal balance in young red and rosé wines stabilized without cold treatment or with partial cold treatment, also with the use of CMC, metatartaric acid and/or potassium polyaspartate;

· Stabilization of the red color and colloidal balance in red wines obtained by blending wines with different chromatic characteristics (additions of very red, blending with improvers, with wines from younger vintages, etc.);

· Stabilization of the colloidal state in sweet reds, white and red passito wines, wine-based drinks and in general in any product that requires final microfiltration to guarantee microbiological integrity.

Recommended Dosages

10 – 60 g/hL as colour stabilizer and colloidal.

The dose of use cannot exceed 0,8 g/L for red fortified wines and 0,3 g/L for other wines.

Instructions for Use

To melt ARABIC COLOR in a small aliquot of wine to be treated, add to the mass and homogenize carefully. The addition must be made on clear, clarified and pre-filtered wine (in index), before the final micro-filtration.

The use of ARABIC COLOR at the recommended dosages and methods, it does not cause significant variations in filtration indices.

COD: GUM06 Category: